In its simplest definition, a BLERD is a Black or Brown(Latino) nerd. However, a BLERD can be of ANY ethnicity if they embrace and celebrate both URBAN and GEEK cultures.

BLERDs by nature aren't typically as extreme as true geeks. To qualify as an authentic geek, one must naturally be obsessive and specialize  in a specific sub-category of geekdom(Tech, Comics, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Cosplay, Art, Gaming, etc.)

BLERDs on the converse, may have several geeky interests without one particular specialization. On the scale between concentration and conformity, BLERDs on average fall somewhere in the middle, yet still outside of the mainstream.

BLERDs freely express their "less-than-cool" interests without fear of losing street cred or facing social alienation from the popular crowd. But let's face it; these days it's becoming evermore hip to be square. Members of the "it crowd"  are googling factoids and ordering non-prescription lenses to join our legion faster than Usain Bolt wearing a Superman costume, racing a speeding bullet on the holodeck of the Enterprise traveling at warp 9.

Most importantly, the word "BLERD" is not derogatory. Own it!  We do!